Paisajes Hídricos Urbanos en Disputa
This book launch presents “Paisajes Hídricos Urbanos en Disputa: Agua, Poder y Fragmentación Urbana en Medellín, Colombia” edited by Marcela López....
This book launch presents “Paisajes Hídricos Urbanos en Disputa: Agua, Poder y Fragmentación Urbana en Medellín, Colombia” edited by Marcela López....
CUW together with the students select a series of short documentaries that explore the relationship between cities, social inequalities and politics. The documentaries cover a wide range of issues including the disposal of electronic waste, the dark aspects of food and the everyday struggles to...
Urban studies usually place a strong analytical focus on cities. Although cities are important sites to investigate how infrastructures sustain the material flows of capital, people and goods, such studies fall short of explaining how cities are highly dependent on the abstraction of natural resources...
Marcela López was selected as a research fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich (2017-2018) to work in a book manuscript and a scientific article on prepaid water meters....