Events / 2019

Traveling Waste // Reiseabfälle

Speisekino / Food and Footage

Location: Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U), Berlin

Date: 11 July, 2019

CUW curates a series of short documentaries to trace the invisible travel of waste and creates a menu in cooperation with Foodsharing. Inspired by the documentaries, the menu is made of ingredients that are close to expiring and probably will end up in the rubbish, and they are transformed into a delicious dish. The students of the Urban Management Program, Technische Universität Berlin, design a variety of Tischsets illutrating the flows of different resources (e.g. e-waste, chocolate, clothes, e-bikes), which were distributed to visitors with the menu. The event is followed by a discussion with the public to provoke questions around the value, politics and ethics of waste.

In cooperation with the Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U), the Urban Management Program, Technische Universität Berlin, and Foodsharing

¡O Comemos o Pagamos! – Either We Eat or We Pay

Film Screenings

Date: From 2016 to 2019

While the international community discusses the importance of securing the human right to water during the Seventh Inter-American Dialogue on Water Resource Management (D7), low-income households in Medellín are denied access to this essential resource for non-payment of bills or because they are located in so-called “high-risk” zones. ¡O comemos o pagamos! puts a lens to the invisible everyday practices of low-income households as they attempt to secure access to water in a city of privilege hydrological conditions that owns one of the most efficient public utility companies in Latin America.

Directors: Marcela López / Miodrag Kuč
Length: 22 mins
Year: 2015
Country: Colombia / Germany

The documentary is based on the book Paisajes Hídricos Urbanos en Disputa: Agua, Poder y Fragmentación Urbana en Medellín, Colombia (2016)


29.03 University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)

21.06 Institut für Ethnologie, LMU (Germany)
27.02 Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (Germany)

24.06 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
25.05 Muestra Audiovisual – Narrativas de Memoria  (Colombia)
22.03 Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)
07.02 The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Norway)

07.11 Urban Management Program, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
13.10 Alice Salomon Hochschule (Germany)
10.08 Critical Concrete (Portugal)
08.07 La Ladera Library Park (Colombia)
06.07 Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
10.06 Speisekino Moabit, Zentrum für Kust und Urbanistik (ZK/U) (Germany)